Prabhas Starrer Kalki 2898 AD performing well at box office. Nag Ashwin directed this movie collect 27.05 Crore from all over india on its sixth day. Kalki movie released in 6 langauges all over world including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and English. This movie collect 11.3 Cr in telugu, 13 Cr in Hindi, 1.3 Cr in Tamil, 1.2Cr in Malayalam and 0.25 Cr in kannada language on his days 6 according to Sacnilk. Kalki 2898 movie get good response from the audience. This movie cross 600 crore in just 5 days and have that potential to cross 1000 crore worldwide.
kalki 2898 AD big star movie, Collect total 193.3 crore (6 day collection) from only telugu langauges. Hindi Market also perform outstanding that is 141 Crore. On his day 7, this movie crossed 150 crore from only Hindi language. Prabhas belong to telugu film industry but he have great fan following in north industry. After Bahubali movie he got these stardom and stardom help him to collect great box office collection for his movie kalki. This movie also have two three biggest superstar from bollywood, legendary actor Amitabh Bacchan, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani. Kalki movie is based on indian mythology, Mahabharata and Nag Ashwin successfully shown this era in his movie.
Kalki 2898 AD Day 6 Box office Collection
Day | India Net Collection | Worldwide |
Day 1 | 95.3 Cr | 191.5 Cr |
Day 2 | 59.3 Cr | 107 Cr |
Day 3 | 66.2 Cr | 116.5 Cr |
Day 4 | 88.2 Cr | 140 Cr |
Day 5 | 34.15 Cr | 70 Cr |
Day 6 | 27.05 Cr | 55 Cr |
Total | 370.2 Cr | 680 Cr |